Thursday, 10 April 2014

Pre-Production: Drafts

Ideas from others whilst listening to Gravity by Sara Bareilles:
·        A girl who is being bullied and abused by her boyfriend.
·        A girl singing through a street.
·        A girl committing suicide.
·        A couple in loves but one dies in the end.
·        Themes of love, heaven, peace, loss.

My ideas:
·        A girl who is being bullied
·        I wanted her to commit suicide at the end.
·        Possibly drowns herself?
·        Flashback moments with her boyfriend.
·        This meant boyfriend had to be dead, going along with the theme of loss.
·        Bullies
·        Performance/ Narrative video.
·        Isolated singing location.

These are some of the ideas that came of both my original thoughts and when I got a group of teenagers to listen to the song. I want to use a selection from both as I believe that some of the themes that my audience came up with would be help to tell the story more.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Question 1 (Evaluation)

Making my Digipak

This is the start of me making my video, I wanted to keep the storyline as the main focus of my digipak since that was one of the main concepts in my video. I decided to have the two main characters on the inside cover. I put the opacity down so it made it look more heavenly.

Next I wanted to look at the back cover. Due to my digipak having the theme of heavenly I decided to chose a photo that has a heavenly landscape. I then added the text and the song from one of Bareilles' album. I also made sure I included a barcode, qr code and copyright disclaimer.

To finish my digipak I wanted to use my main character so my audience knew where the song came from. I also made the shot look like she was lost, an emotion she feels through the story. I finally added the heaven logo and then the artist's name in a similar font!
